Monday 16 April 2012

Pina Colada Ice Cream

Hurrah!  By moving to a hot country I have at last mustered up enough of an excuse to splash out on an ice cream machine.  I have always been put off making ice cream without a machine, the thought of pulling out a tub of half frozen mush and stirring it every hour or so seems to be a bit too laborious, especially as I try to kid myself that I do other things in my day other than playing the the kitchen...  I once was given an ice cream machine which had a built in freezer but it took up so much space and only had capacity to make half a litre of the good stuff.  So we bought a much cheaper alternative which I completely recommend - you shove the bucket part of it into the freezer for 24 hours, then make the ice cream using ingredients which have been in the fridge all day, mix the ingredients together according to the recipe and then pour the whole lot into the frozen bucket which you have since hooked up to its lid/stirrer combo which is connected to the mains.

The mixture is stirred until it freezes, which only takes about 25-45 minutes.  Genius.

Ordering a pina colada always brings a smile to everyone's face, pineapple, coconut and rum is a winning combination, and so ice cream inspired by the classic cocktail seemed a no brainer for our maiden ice cream voyage.


250 ml pineapple juice
250 ml coconut milk
60 ml rum
4 tbsp golden caster sugar

optional - fresh coconut chopped into small pieces either add to the mix or use as a topping


Mix all the ingredients together and freeze according to the ice cream maker's instructions - trust me it is completely delicious (it is more of a sorbet consistency than a creamy ice cream).

Not to mention that pulling out homemade ice cream at a dinner party is a complete winner - it gets all the wow factor without any on the night stress by being made well in advance.  Buy yourself an ice cream machine!

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