Thursday 8 November 2012

Patriotic Rocky Roads. Perfect for a Braai.

We went to a braai last night - it was me and about 20 doctors.  I've never felt so safe!  As soon as we were invited I went into auto-pilot and offered to take pud, but as soon as the words came out of my mouth I remembered about an essay I'm supposed to be panic-writing for my Masters.  So rather than attempting some grand pavlova I copped out and made what are essentially are glammed up rice krispy cakes.

I soon persuaded myself that in fact it was a great idea as most of the drs were UK expats and my rocky roads would give me a great opportunity to use my Union Jack cupcake cases (sent over by my wonderful friend Vic).  The braai was such fun and the rocky roads went down a storm as we watched the hubbie set off fireworks - a perfect last minute dot com party pud methinks.

Ingredients (makes 14)

180 g dark chocolate (I used Bournville)
65 g rice krispies
40 g unsalted nuts (I used pecans)
65 g raisins
50 g marshmallow, chopped


1. Break the chocolate into chunks and place in a large bowl over a saucepan of simmering water (make sure the base of the bowl doesn't touch the water).  Allow to melt without stirring for 5 minutes, then stir and any lumps will probably disappear quickly.

2. When all the chocolate is melted remove the bowl and stir in the remaining ingredients until coated with chocolate.
3. Spoon into cupcake cases in a muffin tray and pop in the fridge...

until set...

...and keep in the fridge until the temptation gets too much!

They are so simple, can be made with kiddies and are loved by all!

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